Made at Mac: Compression wear, but make it fashion 

A person with long dark hair in a lilac suit standing on stage against a backdrop that reads

McMaster graduate Parisa Agahi tapped into the entrepreneurial supports at the Forge — including Startup Survivor, above — to turn an idea for better looking, more comfortable compression clothing into her startup, Tression.

Parisa Agahi had just graduated from McMaster when her doctor prescribed compression stockings for her leg pain. She quickly realized traditional options were neither fashionable nor comfortable.

Determined to find a better solution, Agahi applied to the Forge’s Startup Survivor Program in 2022, ultimately placing third and winning $7,000 for her idea for compression clothing that is stylish and comfortable.

Agahi received further support through the Forge’s Business Incubator program in 2024.

Today, Tression and is poised to revolutionize compression apparel.

Agahi is preparing to launch Tression’s first products this spring. Tression’s pants and leggings offer the functional health benefits of compression with modern designs, so wearers don’t compromise style or comfort.

Interested in entrepreneurship? The Forge Business Incubator is accepting applications for its summer cohort until March 30.  

Here’s what Agahi had to say about her journey.

What inspired you to explore entrepreneurship?  

I sometimes say, “I had no business getting into business.”

It all started when I went to my family doctor for some leg pain. I was sitting a lot during the pandemic and got prescribed medical compression stockings.

I was quite familiar with them from my mom’s experience of living with varicose veins and having to wear compression stockings. My mom never liked to wear them because they were uncomfortable, difficult to put on, and generally a huge inconvenience.

I was shocked to learn that I needed to wear them every day for the rest of my life, and they hadn’t improved at all since my mom got hers in her 20s!

I felt quite frustrated and defeated, to be honest, and just couldn’t fathom wearing something that truly sucked for the rest of my life.

Then I learned that many women were frustrated with compression garments, and they were not just used to manage varicose veins. People with health conditions like diabetes, lipedema, and lymphedema, as well as individuals who are pregnant or postpartum, people who fly frequently, or anyone with a sedentary lifestyle should be using compression garments.

How did your experience in The Forge programs influence your journey?   

I truly believe that the Startup Survivor program was absolutely crucial in helping me build Tression.

I wasn’t looking to start a business at the time, and I had no clear path to solving this problem.

Startup Survivor provided the network and resources to build something from scratch, educational support to understand exactly what’s needed to start a lean startup, and the confidence to pitch the business in front of hundreds of people.

The Business Incubator program is also an amazing support because it provides mentorship and access to many helpful resources for launching and growing a business.

The Forge team has been a true blessing since the very beginning of this journey, and they absolutely go above and beyond to help every founder and offer a close community.

What are some milestones your startup has achieved during the Business Incubator program? 

We have been able to work on product development, managing relationships with manufacturing partners, and solidifying the go-to-market strategy ahead of our upcoming launch in Spring 2025!

What has been the biggest challenge you’ve faced, and how did you overcome it?

The biggest challenge has been developing the perfect product. Creating something so novel and different is not easy — most manufacturers either didn’t understand the product vision or didn’t have the equipment and expertise to develop it.

As a startup working on a product with low volume that requires dozens of iterations, you soon realize that you have very little leverage when it comes to working with a supplier. The time and resources needed have been a lot greater than I anticipated.

Being at the intersection of healthcare and fashion comes with the challenge of creating a highly technical product that will be compared to lifestyle fashion aesthetics.

What advice would you give to applicants or future participants?

My advice is to leverage your naivety instead of letting it hold you back.

Take one step every single day and watch the magic of compound effect unfold.

The early days of a startup are ambiguous and uncertain, and most people give up at this stage. What’s the worst thing that can happen if you just give it a full shot?

What upcoming milestones for Tression are you most excited about?

We are finally launching in Spring 2025, after almost three years of building Tression with the world’s first 20-30 mmHg compression pants!

I can’t wait to see women feeling confident and comfortable in Tression’s compression pants and leggings and not feeling burdened by compression stockings.

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